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3:00pm - 6:00pm
Ethics Pre-Conference Institute (optional 3-hours of CE credit
available as an "add-on" when you register)
Ethically Committing to Ourselves and Our Clients: Considerations for Navigating Contemporary Legislation
Zander Keig, LCSW and Erin MacDonald, LCSW-S

6:30 - 8:30pm
Welcoming Reception - open to all attendees
Location to be announced to registered attendees - food and drinks may be purchased by attendees if desired


Begins in the Rebecca Stafford Student Center - Anacon Hall

Registration, Check-In, Coffee & Networking

Welcome & Announcements
Christine Hatchard, PsyD

9:00 - 10:00am
Saturday Opening Plenary - Collaborative Book Project
Proud Outtakes: Heartwarming Stories of Love and Connection in the Queer Community

Jeff Lutes, LPC, QTAP & Emily Stone, PhD, LMFT-S

10:00 -10:15am

Concurrent Workshops - Break Out Session One

Room 115, Pozycki Hall
Always a Bit Magical: LGBTQ + Therapists Learning LGBTQ + Centered Emotionally Focused Therapy

Caitlin Edwards, PhD, LMFT, LPC, NCC (they/them), & Jose Tapia, PhD, CRC, LPC, RPT, NCC (he/him)

Classroom 204, Pozycki Hall

What Does Prostate Cancer Mean for a Queer Man?
Rod Muriano (he/him) and Rahim Thawer, MSW, CCS, QTAP (he/him)

Classroom 205, Pozycki Hall
The Experiences of Counselors Working with Mixed-Orientation Couples:

Gay/Bi Men Married to Straight Women
Joshua Gebhardt, PhD, LMFT (he/him)


11:30am - 12:30pm
Concurrent Workshops - Break Out Session Two

Room 115, Pozycki Hall
A Deep Dive into Ethical Non-Monogamy in the Black Community
Uchenna L. Umeh MD, aka, Dr. Lulu (she/her) and Rev. Dr. Zaria Davis, MDiv, DSW

Classroom 204, Pozycki Hall

They Don’t Care What You Know Until They Know You Care
Monet Hinton, LCSW-S (they/them)

Classroom 205, Pozycki Hall

Grieving Queer: Queer and Trans Death, Dying and Grief in Clinical and Community Practice
Melissa Delizia, MSW, DSW (she/they)

Classroom 206, Pozycki Hall

Getting Back In My Body & My Community: Healing with Trauma & The Dissociative Experiences
Rev. Karla Fleshman, LCSW, MDiv, TCYMII (she/her)

12:30 - 1:30pm
Catered Lunch & Poster Sessions (NEW!)
Posters may be viewed in the lobby and presenters are available for conversation and questions.

Poster : Beyond Mommies and Daddies: Mental Health Needs of Transgender ART Patients
Trystan Reese (he/him)

Poster : Consensual Non-Monogamy in the Workplace
Travis Bennett (he/him)

Poster : Media Interventions for Homonegativity and Queer Allyship in Professional Advocacy
Joshua Martin, Student, Monmouth University (he/him)

Poster: Co-constructing Meaning: Pathways to Parenthood and The Stories Lesbian Partners Create
Emily Stone, PhD, LMFT-S (she/her)

1:30 - 2:30pm
Rebecca Stafford Student Center - Anacon Hall

Keynote Address by Bianca I. Laureano, PhD, MA, CSE, CSES

2:30 - 2:45pm

Concurrent Workshops - Break Out Session Three

Room 115, Pozycki Hall
Sex Therapy 101

Rahim Thawer, MSW, QTAP (he/him)

Classroom 204, Pozycki Hall
Supporting Donor-Conceived Children and Families: Best Practices
Jamie L. Goodwin, PhD (she/her) and Anna Gaglianone (she/her)

Classroom 205, Pozycki Hall

SBIRT: A Necessary Skill  for Providing Culturally Competent Care to LGBTQ Clients
Victoria Nagel, Ph.D. Candidate, LCADC, CCS, LPC, NCC, ACS, BC-TMH (she/her), and
Clarissa Mulligan Attara, Ph.D., LPC, LCADC, ACS, CCS, NCC (she/her)

Classroom 206, Pozycki Hall

Understanding the Expansive Spectrum of Asexuality and Aromanticism
Sunanda Jalote, LMHC (she/ze/they)


4:00 - 5:00
Rebecca Stafford Student Center - Anacon Hall


Saturday Closing Plenary 

Rebecca Stafford Student Center - Anacon Hall

Legal Considerations and Protections for LGBTQ+ Individuals, Couples & Families 

in the Current Climate
New Jersey Assemblywoman Luanne M. Peterpaul, ESQ (District 11), with Robyn Gigl, ESQ and Bill Singer, ESQ


Circle of Excellence Award, Raffle Drawing, and adjourn for the day

Begins in the Rebecca Stafford Student Center - Anacon Hall


Check-in, Coffee, and Networking

9:00 - 10:00am
Concurrent Workshops - Break Out Session Four

Room 115, Pozycki Hall

Navigating Family Court:

Mental Health Professionals Supporting LGBTQ+ Families Through Divorce and Custody
Tania Andrews, LMFT, QTAP (she/her)

Classroom 204, Pozycki Hall
Queer Endings: Death, Dying and Grief in Queer Couples

Naomi Brown, LCSW-S, QTAP (she/they)

Classroom 205, Pozycki Hall
The Hidden Opponent: Unique Challenges for LGBTQ+ Athletes

Staci Drewson, PhD and Jennifer Grubb, LPC

10:00 - 10:15am

10:15 - 11:15am
Rebecca Stafford Student Center - Anacon Hall
Love Wins -  Film Screening & Fireside Chat

Director Robin Kampf and Jeff Lutes, LPC, QTAP

11:15am -11:40pm

Mass Wedding & Re-commitment Ceremony for Queer Couples

New Jersey Assemblywoman Luanne M. Peterpaul, ESQ (District 11)


11:40 - 12:00pm

QTAP student graduation, followed by closing remarks and adjournment

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